Biography References Study Medicine (Medical studies) – Bachelor of Medicine EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 1910Study Arts and Sciences at University of Cambridge (Bachelor of Arts and Sciences) in Cambridge – Bachelor of Arts and Sciences EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 1922Work in Alexandria (8, Rue Cherif Pacha) EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 Authorizations References License: Surgeon, Member, Authorized by Royal College of Surgeons of England EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 1908License: Doctor, Licentiate, Authorized by Royal College of Physicians EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 1919License: Doctor, Authorized by Ministry of Interior, Egypt EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60 Identity Edmund Neptune Russellادمند نبتيون رسلProfession: Doctor Source More info Bibliographic references: Liste Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 60