Biography References 1922Work in Mansura (à côté du Tribunal Mixte) EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 38 1929Work in Mansura (Kelada St.) EditRepertoire Medical Egyptien Authorizations References 1915License: Surgeon, Member, Authorized by Royal College of Surgeons of England EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 38 1916License: Doctor, Licentiate, Authorized by Royal College of Physicians EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 38 1920License: Doctor, Authorized by Ministry of Interior, Egypt EditListe Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 38 Identity Labib ʿAbd al-Malakلبيب عبد الملكAlternatively named: Abdul Malak MalekProfession: Doctor Source More info Bibliographic references: Liste Officielles des Médécins Egyptiens, 1922, p. 38Repertoire Medical Egyptien