People Activities
- 1947
- 1926 – 1927
- 1947
- 1939 – 1944
- 1947
- 1923 – 1925
- 1947
- 1932
- 1937Charles Edmond Michel (b. Beirut, 1884) | Doctor - Work as Doctor-Head of the Regional Hospital Edit
- 1947
- 1919
- 1947
- 1947
- 1932
- 1937
- 1947
- 1947
- 1932
People born here
- Amin Rwaiha (b. 1901) | Doctor
- Iliya Vitale | Doctor
- Georges Vitale (b. 1899) | Pharmacist
- Misbah Mamish (b. 1900) | Pharmacist
- Antun Abraham Berbarah (b. 1896) | Dentist
- Suʿad Huda Azhari (b. 1926) | Doctor
- Dia Mamiche (b. 1894) | Doctor
- Shakir M. Naʿmah (b. 1894) | Doctor
- Shafik Zakaria (b. 1901) | Doctor
People died here
- Salim Juraydini | Doctor