- 1910
- 1929
- 1929
- 1929
- 1862 – 1863
- 1862 – 1868
- 1863 – 1868
- 1868
- 1879
- 1884 – 1893Work at Department of Public Health, Cairo as director in Cairo (director along with Dr. Sandwith) Edit
- 1889 – 1891
- 1922
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1874
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1892
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1878
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1883
Sourse kind: PhD thesisYear attributes: Year is approximate, assumed or inferredYear: 1867Until year: 1868
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1877
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1878
Sourse kind: BookYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1873
Sourse kind: Journal articleYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1882
Sourse kind: Journal articleYear attributes: Exact year is knownYear: 1883
Sourse kind: JournalInside source: al-MuqtatafYear attributes: Year in unknown
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