People mentioned Birth details Gender - Any -MaleFemale Year of birth - Any -HavingLacking Profession - Any -DentistDentist practitionerDoctorSurgeonMidwifeNursePharmacistPharmacist assistantDayaMedical auxiliaryVeterinarian Sort by First name - AscendingFirst name - DescendingLast name - AscendingLast name - DescendingYear of birth - AscendingYear of birth - Descending Items per page 20501005001000- All - Apply 1 record found. Mary Eddy (b. Sidon, 1864) | Doctor Identity Short name: Dr. Mary EddySource kind: Journal articleAuthor: Ellen FleischmannInside source: Journal of Women's HistoryDOI: doi:10.1353/jowh.0.0090Year: 2009Volume: 21Issue: 3Pages: 108-130