- 1911
- 1913Study Medicine at American University of Beirut (Medical studies) in Beirut – Doctor of Medicine (S.C.C.) Edit
- 1917Study Medicine at American University of Beirut (Medical studies) in Beirut – Doctor of Medicine Edit
- 1917 – 1918
- 1917 – 1918
- 1917 – 1918
- 1919 – 1920
- 1920 – 1923
- 1923 – 1925
- 1925 – 1926
- 1925 – 1926Work at American University of Beirut as orthopaedic surgeon, general surgery & anaesthesia surgery in Beirut Edit
- 1933 – 1950
- 1933 – 1950
- 1950
Sourse kind: Journal articleYear attributes: Year in unknown
More info
- Born on 6 March.
- Married in December 1929.
- Children: Nora, Hilda, Alex, Jr. Lillian.
Bibliographic references: