Biography References Study at Collége des Frères, Jerusalem (Secondary school) in Jerusalem Edit Study at Paris Faculty of Medicine (Medical studies) in Paris Edit 1936Work in Jaffa EditOfficial Gazette, 17.12.1936,issue 653, p. 1314 1936 – 1937Residency in Paris in Throat, Nose and Ear Edit 1946Work at French Hospital, Jaffa in Jaffa EditIndex of 1946 Authorizations References 1936License: Doctor, Authorized by British Mandate Palestine Government, no. 2726 EditOfficial Gazette, 17.12.1936,issue 653, p. 1314 Identity Zaki Sfayrزكي صفيرAlternatively named: SfeirYear of birth: 1907Profession: DoctorCity of birth: Jerusalem Source More info Bibliographic references: Official Gazette, 17.12.1936,issue 653, p. 1314