Biography References 1926Work in Jerusalem EditOfficial Gazette, 16.09.1926, issue 171, p. 475 1930Work at District Health Office, Hebron in Hebron EditIndex of 1930 1935Work in Jerusalem (Dar el-Rawas, Julian's Way) EditIndex of 1935 1940Work in Jerusalem (Dar Sh Baghdadi, St. Julian's Way (there is a mistake in the list here, corrected in the next booklet)) EditIndex of 1940 1946Work in Jerusalem (Beit Shlomo Bordogo, Julian's Way) EditIndex of 1946 Authorizations References 1926License: Midwife, Authorized by British Mandate Palestine Government, no. 229 EditOfficial Gazette, 16.9.1926, issue 171, p. 475 Identity Julia Himoجوليا حيموYear of birth: 1899Profession: Midwife Source More info Bibliographic references: Official Gazette, 16.9.1926, issue 171, p. 475